My mission, then, is to provide my viewpoints to current affairs.
My vision and long term intention is a serious one. I believe that we, humanity, are in a metaphysical moment of evaluation that comes in cycles. Before, these metaphysical "system checks" cycled regionally, influencing only a local group of people. The advent of internet and globalization has made this metaphysical "credit check" interlinked and interconnected globally and we are, as a global human race, evaluating many metaphysical conditions. What do we value? What is reality? What should we place in high regard? What can we ultimately identify with? What do we want out of this world considering the massive global changes and influence seemingly occurring at the same time, everywhere? How do I want to continue my existence in this changing world? What role do I play in the play of the world?
The metaphysical cycle, has reoccurred again (Thanks Nietzsche for the heads up ) now in global terms. But this crossroads--the paths we must choose, seem to stay the same (thanks Heidegger): In our moment of extreme metaphysical anxiety, can we truly evaluate our human condition or is it too metaphysically deep and frightening, therefore forcing us to return to our reconstituted (for the sake of our conscience) version of "business as usual?"
I tend to believe that it is our responsibility to try to understand our metaphysical "situation" as if our lives depends on it, because our lives do depend on it, or at least what is important in our lives--love, happiness, and the elimination of suffering,.
I have been fortunate enough to have learned a little bit about certain elements of life (thanks Krishnamurti, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Nagarjuna, and the rest) and I have been fortunate enough to have some sound support (thanks Professor Wawrytko, et al). Therefore, I would like to try to contribute in our metaphysical evaluation by posting in this blog for now. In the not too distant future, I am planning to go back to school to prepare a study on how I can further help my community by providing philosophical counsel in various societal conventions.
My vision is clear: I want to be one of the catalysts of metaphysical evaluation--a utility that one can refer to as one thinks about what they stand under.
In order to accomplish this, I hope I can achieve several goals in this blog:
· I want to be able to show how placing importance in distinctions creates conflict.
· I want to expose how little meaning exists in opposites.
· I want to show how we travel within extremes of the same kind when we believe that things are actually “changing” in kind.
· I want to be able to demonstrate how our actions sometimes are influenced by inconsistent judgments and beliefs.
· I want to play with comedy and metaphor.
· I want to induce dialogue.
I hope I can accomplish these goals and follow my mission and vision. If any of you are interested in any of these elements, I encourage you to assist or participate in any way you can. I am only a tool and technology has many of them.
Thank you.